Upload photos of Jaen!
If you have photos of Jaen or any of its landmarks, the university, sights, views, gastronomy, people, parties, etc... upload your photos to Erasmusu!. Other travellers will see them too.
Upload photos →If you have photos of Jaen or any of its landmarks, the university, sights, views, gastronomy, people, parties, etc... upload your photos to Erasmusu!. Other travellers will see them too.
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Comments (3 comments)
ESN Jaén 15 years ago
vaya atardecer...
Alicia Sanchez Hernandez 15 years ago
Si vinieseis algun dia a mi querida casa en el campo, lo veriais en directo, porque la foto se hizo desde alli!!
ESN Jaén 15 years ago
si nos invitas.., encantados de verlo!!