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Experience in IUAV University of Venice, Italy by Carlotta


Generally, what is IUAV University of Venice like?

IUAV University of Venice is one of the biggest universities of architecture in Italy and sometimes the big number of students it has could be a problem for following the classes. The professors level is really good though and in my opinion it pays out to study in the city of Venice especially when you are studying architecture.

What are the facilities like?

The facilities are quite good, the offices work even if sometimes their time table is so short that you don't get to do what you need or to talk with whom you want and you have to wait till the next week. Personally I find the services of the IUAV University not bad but not enough developed for what a student pay every semester.


Are the lessons easy in IUAV University of Venice?

The classes are very different. IUAV has project courses, practical courses and theoretic ones. The courses last all one semester and it really depends from the professor if the course is easy or not. Usually there is a lot of work for the project and a lot to study for the courses in general. But I always found the preparation of my teachers better in theoretic fields.

Does the University organise activities? If so, what are they like?

An interesting activity organized by IUAV is the one in collaboration with PROViaggi. They organize trips to places where interesting architectures can be visited. But the best opportunity IUAV offers it's in my opinion the summer workshop: architects from all over the world come for a 3 weeks project course. They choose the theme, according to the big direction given from the university usually. At the end an exibition takes place in the university buildings, open to everyone.

Do you think there is a good quality of teaching?

I always found my teachers really good and they always gave me good support and wish of knowing more and more.


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