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Rainbow People Platform Project (Volunteer - LGBTi Theme)

  • Company name or name of the person in charge: Mustafa Erbaş
  • Job vacancy: Rainbow People Platform Project (Volunteer - LGBTi Theme)
  • Number of vacancies: 16

Making human rights and freedoms recognized by the nations of the world prevail, without discrimination among our LGBTI individuals, and helping cooperation between nations through education, science and culture. Rainbow People Platform is established with the aim of solidifying the idea of peace. It is expected that the platform will act as a bridge between public institutions and organizations and private institutions in the fields of education, art, culture and communication.

Platform, in accordance with its mission, to keep the welfare of societies at the highest level; In order to enable our LGBTI individuals to take an active role in these studies and to help them be treated with dignity, it aims to be a center where studies on research, development, education and training are carried out, and ideas are exchanged, in the creation of standards and criteria, the effective implementation of policies and the dissemination of results.

In addition, the Rainbow People Project aims to use the free time of young people in general, not specifically students, with social, cultural, artistic and sports activities. It aims to plan, program, manage, supervise, evaluate and develop youth activities by helping them acquire knowledge and skills.

We are looking for exchange student volunteers for our board of directors. Turkish knowledge is sufficient enough to communicate.


3 years ago

Tags: flag-tr Student Jobs Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey

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