I can help new students with finding flats.
Thread created by Volkan Cengiz
— 11 years ago
Showing 1-10 of 10 entries
Volkan Cengiz
Written 11 years ago
Hi my name is volkan but you can call me jr. I live in istanbul and iam helping students who need any kind of help from finding low cost flats and other helpfull things for students who live in istanbul. I can be great help with anything dont hesitate to send me a message.
Ben Lukta
Written 10 years ago
Thnaks for the suggestion. If anyone ask me about it, I would recommend your name.
jasmine bak
Written 10 years ago
I ned to find a room or a flat for two 21 year old girls from Syria
And I dont want it to be expensive
can you contact me on my email please
thank you
Saeed Heidari
Written 10 years ago
Hi I am from Iran.I want come to Istanbul on May20.I want a cheap home ao room near Taksim.Thank you so much for your help.
franck olivier
Written 10 years ago
hey everybody
ım franck, have 22 years old. ım from ivory coast. ı make aiesec internship actually at kocaeli. ım lookıng for flatmate. ı want have somethıng at istanbul like kartal, pendik, .... to taksim. c'est vraiment important pour moi. si quelqu'un peu m'aider
Sida Ismail
Written 10 years ago
Hello, I am Sid and me and my friend are going to turkey next semester on February and we are looking for a cheaper flat around Maltepe. I hope u can help us. :) Thank u in advance.
Ali Fayyaz
Written 10 years ago
How's it going? My name is Ali, and I am a 23 year old student from Canada. I will be visiting Istanbul for two days from 7th-9th January 2015. I am looking for someone (female company is preferred ofcourse) who is familiar with Istanbul, to show me around as well as have a good time. If you are free during those dates, and would like to help, I'd really appreciate if you could reply back. Take care :)
Francisco Mosteiro
Written 9 years ago
Hello! I saw your post and I couldn't resist myself to type you about some doubts I have about Istanbul.
Im spanish and im gonna spend at least one semester in Istanbul as an Erasmus student with one spanish classmate. We are staring university next 3rd September in Yeditepe university. So we asked for some recommendations, and we've been told to live in Kadikoy, cause is in between of Istanbul and Yeditepe university. But we still don't have accommodation booked. So we don't really know how are the renting prices in that area, and we are afraid of being ripped off with this.
So I wanted to contact you for some information about this topic, and if you could give me some websites where I can look for some new offerts.
Thanks for your kindness!!
Marco Montenegro
Written 9 years ago
Hi! Thank you very much for your kindness. I'm looking for a room to my girlfriend. She is going to study in Bogazici university, in Istambul. She could spend until 700 tl. Single room and only girls flat or resindece near the University if possible. Any help would be useful. Thank you very much for your altruism.
Showing 1-10 of 10 entries