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Erasmus experiences Polytechnic Institute of Bragança

  • 8 / 10 points

    At first I was disappointed

    Source Yes, I was really upset about the news that I will do Erasmus in Bragança instead of Porto (as I was expecting). But time passed and I realised how lucky I am that I am here. Bragança I can describe as a little students city where youth rule the town. IPB is...

    0 , 10 years ago
  • 8 / 10 points

    Erasmus student in the IPB (Polytechnic Institute of Bragança), Portugal

    Source In 2009 I was a student at the IPB on an Erasmus exchange. Studying sports and physical education appeared to be a pleasure and a very easy part of my education. All lecturers and other workers were nothing but kind and helpful considering me as colleagues...

    0 , 10 years ago

Experiences in Polytechnic Institute of Bragança in other languages:

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