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I want to find a house NOW!

Erasmus Gdansk 2011 / 2012 (English)

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Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Gdansk 2011 / 2012!

This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Gdansk in 2011 / 2012 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices, places for parties, how to get to Gdansk, etc. Here you can also find:

- The general forum for Gdansk
- People who have been, are and will be in Gdansk
- A photo gallery of Gdansk
- Erasmus experiences in Gdansk
- The map and weather in Gdansk
- The Universities in Gdansk

If you're a student who's spent time in Gdansk in the past you can share your experiences and vote for Gdansk by clicking here. The cities with the best and most interesting experiences will appear higher up in the ranking of Erasmus cities. Help Gdansk win the number one spot!

Livin' la vida Erasmus!

I will stay during the summer semester (Febuary till July) in Gdansk.
I study music at the akademia muzyczna and my main instrument is jazz guitar.

CIAO A TUTTI!!! Io partirò a gdansk da settembre 2011 a luglio 2012 per studiare economia e managment al politechnika gdanska!!!! com'è l università???

anche io a gdansk!!!this september!sarà sicuramente una figataaa!


brescia..tu?ma cè da compilare qualcosa sul sito dell università di danzica?tipo un iscrizione..

io di nuoro! eja devi scaricare l application form eh altri documenti!!! chiedi al tuo referente

hi all,
i'll be in Gdansk during the Summer Semester.
I'll study in University of Gdansk - Faculty of Management

Hi everyone! i don't speak english very well, but i wan't to learn it speaking with foreigner people next year in Gdansk. I study Architecture in Valencia (Spain) and i want to go to a residence, and if i dont like it, i'll take a flat with others students, i guess. i would like to know you before i arrive to Gdansk! and something important to me is to travel (get some cheap travels) around Europe! that's a good thing to do in that amazing year!

hi guys! I'm studying Engineering and Architecture in L'Aquila, and I'll come to Gdansk next september!

hey i am from gdansk if you need any help you can write delight3000@gmail.com :)

Hello everybody!! I'm Anna from Barcelona, I'm studing Early childhood education and I was going to Italy in Erasmus, but my university had some problems with that and now I should choose another place to go, and Gdansk is my first city in the list. Do you recommend it to me?? what you have heard about it¿¿?? If I go I'll go in the second semester, in February ;)

Gdansk and also whole Tricity is a great place to studying and partying :) Summer semester will be nice and hot from May. There are many place to visit and many things to see, you won't be dissapointed :)
I'm studying english philology and i'm going to Vigo, Spain for the second semester, february till july.

oeeee billu che c'è un altro nuorese bella pasto anche io vado a gdansk

Hola, un saludo desde Córdoba (Andalucía). Os invitamos a visitar esta ciudad y a mejorar vuestro nivel de español en nuestra escuela. www.elecordoba.com

Hello everyone !

I'm from France and I should be studying in Gdansk starting september (psychology). I would be great to all meet up in the city !! Is anyone interesting by sharing a flat or a house with other erasmus students ?

hi vanessa!!! i will go to the dormitory I think :)

Hi! I'm an italian guy. I study medicine in Monza (milan). I'll stay 2 months in Gdandsk. I would like to have some infos about the city, where to stay ecc.. Is there anyone who can help me? :)


guys! this is group of actuall erasmus this year! add there and there u can ask and contact with the rest! enjoy time in Gdansk! :)

Hello, i'm polish and for ten years i live in rome, i'm studing architecture at la sapienza university of rome, i'll come to Gdansk next february for 5 month

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