Letícia Ramos
Written 6 years ago
Hola, estudio Derecho en la Universidad de Almería y estaré en Foggia en el curso 2019/2020 :)
Selvet Gözlek
Written 6 years ago
Hii Im Selvet Im Turkish I will study management in Foggia 2019 2020 can you contact me
Alejandro Quevedo
Written 6 years ago
Hi, my name is Alejandro and I will spend my next year in Foggia. I´m studying Medicine and I would like to live the next year with people which can speak english or italian for pratice both languages.I´m so sociable and responsable. See you!
Letícia Ramos
Written 6 years ago
HI, Alejandro! How are u? I'm in the same situation of you, haha. I'm brazilian, but now I'm living in Spain..so, I can speak portuguese and spanish,but now I'm looking for people how can speak italian or english for practice both languages!
Showing 1-4 of 4 entries