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  • 6 / 10 points

    Experience in Fez, Morocco, by Wissal

    How do you feel about living in Fez? Do you recommend it? How is the city? As you may know, Fez occupies a strategic position because it's located at the crossroads of several destinations from the four corners of the country, in the heart of a region which presents an...

    0 , 7 years ago
  • 8 / 10 points

    Experience in Fez, Morocco by Meryem

    What is it like to live in Fez? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Cheap, warm, it is like a historical city. Source What is the student lifestyle like in Fez? Not good. How much does it cost to live in Fez? It costs 500 euros/ month maximum. Is it...

    0 , 9 years ago

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