Estudiar ingles en Edimburgo.
Thread created by vicente cortell
— 14 years ago
Showing 1-3 of 3 entries
vicente cortell
Written 14 years ago
Hla gente!!!
El proximo mes d enero voy a studiar ingles en el Telford college en uno de los cursos subvencionados. kiero kdarme una residencia, aunk no lo tengo muy claro aun.
Stoy buscando a gente k haga lo mismo xra ponernos en contacto, ya ke me voy solo, un poco a la aventura.
silvana puglisi
Written 14 years ago
i m silvana a medical student from italy.
i m 23.
i ll be in edinburgh for an internship at the royal infirmary. it s an hospital in the city centre.
i ll be there for 2 months: may and june.
hope it will be fine and not that hard to find an accomodation.
i d rather stay in an appartment because i dont like the idea to stay in the campus. i d love to enjoy the city.
i ve been an erasmus student last year so i m looking forward to share a flat with young students like me and have fun sometimes. if anybody is interested please contact me with offer or flat or if u are interested sharing with me so that i can consider your request during my research .
let s keep in touch.
greetings to u all.... bye
Gonzalo Rodriguez
Written 13 years ago
En una semana me voy a edimburgo y me gustaria saber si alguien sabe donde puedo encontrar un piso compartido!
Todo lo que me podais decir me sera de gran ayuda!
muchas gracias y un saludo para todos!
Showing 1-3 of 3 entries