21 year old man from Amsterdam looking for accommodation in Cordoba

  • Move in date: 1 January 2014
  • Minumum stay: 6 months

Hello everybody,

My name is Marouane and I am 21 years old. I am originally Moroccan, but I grew up in Amsterdam in the Netherlands. As a part of my IBL study, I need to participate in an exchange program of 1 semester. I will be studying in Cordoba for the next semester.

I am looking for accomodation in Cordoba, from mid January 2014 to mid July 2014. Something around € 150 - € 200. Maybe a studio for a higher price.

I am a person who is pretty tranquile. I don't party, smoke or drink, but I am fun to have around. So from me you won't have any hassle or loud music or disturbance. I am a real cultural person, so I think we could have a good time exchanging cultures etc. If you have a spare room at this period or a studio, please contact me and we might be able to make some sort of an arrangement. It's best to send me a personal e-mail, because I am not yet a premium user.

About me / us Things that my roommate should have
Gender 1 boy Not specified
Age 21 18 - 99
Occupation Not specified Not specified
Smoker Not specified Not specified
Partying Not specified Not specified
Pet Not specified Not specified

10 years ago

Tags: Flatmates Córdoba, Córdoba, Spain

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