Upload photos of Córdoba!
If you have photos of Córdoba or any of its landmarks, the university, sights, views, gastronomy, people, parties, etc... upload your photos to Erasmusu!. Other travellers will see them too.
Upload photos →If you have photos of Córdoba or any of its landmarks, the university, sights, views, gastronomy, people, parties, etc... upload your photos to Erasmusu!. Other travellers will see them too.
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Comments (4 comments)
Acho que fotaca!
cordoba...la ciudad de las 3 culturas...jejeje te etiqueto
¿De dónde has sacao esta foto pillín? Si la has hecho tú te monto un piso en Murcia.
claro que la he hecho yo tio....jajaja: www.google.com/fotos: cordoba jejeje