20 year old girl from Belgium looking for accommodation in Copenhagen

  • Move in date: 21 August 2019
  • Minumum stay: 6 months

Hi, I am a Belgian girl of 20 year old. Next semester, I am doing an Erasmus at the Danish school of journalism and media in Copenhagen and thus, I am looking for a place to stay. Not too far from the center would be great. For example, near from Norrebro. I am sociable, that is why I'd rather live in a collocation with roommates but a place for myself only is also fine from the moment it is not too expensive (max 5000DKK). I am someone easy to live with and I can adjust easily with someone's else lifestyle. I am not too messy and always try my best to keep clean my room. If you have an offer to propose or if you know someone who does you can send me a message, thanks in advance!

We have 18 accommodations in Copenhagen

About me / us Things that my roommate should have
Gender 1 girl Not specified
Age 20 18 - 99
Occupation Not specified Not specified
Smoker Not specified Not specified
Partying Not specified Not specified
Pet Not specified Not specified

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