Have you made up your mind about your destination? The best accommodation deals are being booked fast, don’t let anyone keep ahead!

I want to find a house NOW!

Looking for a room to rent in COPENHAGEN from September 2011 on for about 3 month.

Showing 1-3 of 3 entries


Hey there,

I'm a fashion student from Germany and I will do my internship from september on in Copenhagen.
I'm looking for a furnished bedroom in a flatshare. Near the city center would be best for me because my work place is there too.
I hope to here soon from you guys.




I'm in the same situation.

Hay everyone!

I'm in the same situation, too. I'm looking for furnished bedroom in a flat share or small furnished apartment from middle September to end of December. My e-mail: [email protected]


Showing 1-3 of 3 entries


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