Erasmusu Staff
Written 12 years ago
Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Copenhagen 2013 / 2014!
This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Copenhagen in 2013 / 2014 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices and cost of living in Copenhagen, places for Erasmus parties or any other question you may habe. Here you can also find:
- The accommodation in Copenhagen
- Other students that are looking for accommodation
- Students jobs in Copenhagen
- The general forum for Copenhagen
- The blog Erasmus Copenhagen
- What to see in Copenhagen, Erasmus party, where to eat
- Erasmus experiences in Copenhagen
- People who have been, are and will be in Copenhagen
- A photo gallery of Copenhagen
- The map and weather in Copenhagen
- The universities in Copenhagen
Warning! If you want to advertise an accommodation or your are looking for one... the forum is not the place for doing that. In order to advertise your accommodation in Copenhagen or in order to find roommates don’t use this forum, go to the accommodation section of Copenhagen.
Livin' la vida Erasmus!
Elvis Kyere-Righteous
Written 12 years ago
Hello Everyone,
I am coming to Copenhagen in August for a year exchange in Copenhagen University, Faculty of Life. I will appreciate it if anyone can help me get more information about accommodation and getting a room. Cheers , Elvis ;) .
Anouchka Dybal
Written 11 years ago
Hi !
I am coming for a semester exchange (first semester) in Copenhagen University, Faculty of Social Sciences. I'm from France. Could anyone give me some advice about finding accommodation and living there? Thanks. :)
Elise Eilersen
Written 11 years ago
Hi Anouchka and Elvis
I'm not sure if you understand a little danish, but if you do, check out these to pages:
These are the typical pages danish people use to find a romm/flat. Also, check out
Be prepared, that the prices are high. You shoud aim for a shared appartment :)
If you don't like to edgy/harsh areas, avoid the area Nordvest (NV) and the streets around the backside of Copenhagen Central Station (Københavns Hovedbanegård). Hope you found some help :)
Best regards, Elise
Susanne Kheri
Written 11 years ago
Also post in here for a room or a shared apartment. When exactly are you coming and for how long?
Elvis Kyere-Righteous
Written 11 years ago
Thanks Elsie,
The Dannish link will be really helpful.
I am planning to leave Germany by 20th August, 2013.
I will be ther till August 2014 and will be very grateful if I get some help with accomodation.
I will be at the Faculty of LIfe Sciences, University of Copenhagen.
Thanks Sussane.
Happy Eaaster to you all.
Best Regards,
Marta Hergueta
Written 11 years ago
Hi everyone!!!!! Damian, Anouchka, Elvis, Elise and Sussane!! I'm Marta :)
I study Architectural Engineering at “Universidad Politécnica de Madrid”. The next course, in January, I'll go to KEA Copenhagen school of design and technology!! It’ll be my first experience in an Erasmus Programme and I’m amazed. At least for now I don't need information because it has a long way to go until I’ll be there, but it seems to be a great idea to participle at your forum.
Best wishes!!
Eugenio Pizzo
Written 11 years ago
Hi everyone! My name is Eugenio and next august I ll be in chp too!
I'll spend one year at the Royal Academy of Fine arts (I am an architect!)
If someone need a funny room mate let me know.. because I am looking for a place to stay too!
See you in august dudes!
Ready to rock!
Aracil Charline
Written 11 years ago
Hi everyone! I'm Charline, and i will be in Copenhagen from August too!
I'm going to study at the Roskilde Univsersity, but i'm looking for an accomodation (roommate) in Copenhagen :)
I'm very excited about spending the next year over there!
Bye! :)
Jean-michel Coderre-proulx
Written 11 years ago
Hi everyone, I am a student from Canada, and I plan to study a year in Copenhagen, at the University of Copenhagen probably in september 2014. I have some questions about living in Copenhagen:
Which is more cheaper and easier to find; room on campus or sharing apartment ?
Is it possible to find something under 3000 DK/ month, or its just a miracle ?
Is it better to live far from the university to pay cheaper or you can live around university for reasonable price ?
Thanks for answering any of these questions! It's appreciated.
Elise Eilersen
Written 11 years ago
Hi Jean-Michel (and others)
I think the cheapest will be sharing appartments! Again, check out some of the pages I listed above - if you understand a little danish. Or maybe If you rather prefer campus, check out Egmont Kollegium (very old but party), Collegium Juris (new and fancy, very central), Nordisk Kollgium (a bit pricey, also new) - these are the campus' i know of.
A room is about 3000-4000 a month. Be aware that some people might overcharge because you are exchange students (sorry, danish people hustle haha).
The public transport in CPH is very expensive, like really expensive, so do yourself a favour and find a place in the city. Places outside the city like NV (nordvest or north west) is not a nice place. Areas that are good are Østerbro, Nørrebro, Vesterbro and Frederiksberg.
Hope this helps!
Greets from DK
Elise Eilersen
Written 11 years ago
Elise Eilersen
Written 11 years ago
This should be really good! A list of all campus/kollegiums in CPH and area
Helena Serra
Written 11 years ago
Hi everyone!
I'm Helena from Girona and next year I'm going to be in copenhaguen studying primary education in the metropolitan university :)!
Is somebody going there too?
See you around :D!
Mazey Holland
Written 11 years ago
Hello all!
I have applied to The University of Copenhagen to study Anthropology in the upcoming Autumn term. Fingers crossed I will get in!
Is anyone else studying Anthropology?
Alessandra Marelli
Written 11 years ago
Hello, I'm an Italian student of archaeology and I should be in Copenhagen for the autumn semester of 2013/2014 (hopefully, I'm having some problems with university burocracy right now :/)
I'm the only one of my university to have chosen Copenhagen so I'm gonna be alone and this seems the right place to get to know other people :)
Phoebe Skinner
Written 11 years ago
Im doing an exchange from Manchester University to Copenhagen, studying anthropology, starting in September.
I think i am arriving in Aug to do a short language course, will anyone else be there that early?
I dont know anyone in Copenhagen so add me on facebook! xx
Elvis Kyere-Righteous
Written 11 years ago
Hello Everyone,
A little information to those who are going to University of Copenhagen, The resgistration of Courses has been open and it will be good to register your course early before the places run out ;).
Hope the various processes are falling in place by the day. i am on my Visa Application now.
Cheers pals,
MiSha Scott-Hewer
Written 11 years ago
Has everyone gotten their letter of admittance to study at the University of Copenhagen yet?
:D MiSha