Roommates Cesena
21 years old french student looking for a room in the center of Cesena
Hi! My name is Lucie, I'm a 21 years old student from France. I'm going to study psychology in Cesena from September 2016 till June 2017. I'm looking a place to live, with other students in the center of the city. I'm respectfull and easy to live with! :) Please contact...
8 years ago -
2 nice guys, looking for an apartment, two separate rooms appreciated
Hi, we are looking for an apartment, with two separate bedrooms appreciated. One room with two beds will also do, but less likely. We study architecture, so we are looking for something close to this place. We'll problably be in Cesena between September 14-18, and only...
9 years ago -
Searching for one apartment with 2 separare beds, wc, kitchen in Cesena
Hi! I am a student from Master Vintage (erasmus program). I am from Bolivia and my friend is french. We are searching for one apartment in Cesena with 2 rooms, WC, kitchen. We will be there studying at the University of Bologna, starting 2 September until 13...
9 years ago -
2 students looking for a flat in Cesena
Hello, My name is Joseph Moukarzel, and I am an Erasmus student. I will come to Cesena between 7 september 2015 till 11 december 2015, I need to rent a place between these periods. The host university is "Universita di Bolagna", Cesena campus. Piazza Goidanich, 60 -...
9 years ago -
Looking for roomates in Cesena
Hi, I'm a 20 year old student from Poland. I'm going to study architecture in Cesena from September 2015 till June 2016. I'm looking for other students to share an appartment with in the center of the city. I speak english, french and a little bit of italian hoping...
9 years ago -
Two 21-22 year old girls are looking for accommodation in Cesena, Italy
We are architecture students from Vilnius, Lithuania. This summer we will be doing our internship and we are looking for a resonably priced place to rent. Our preference is somewhere close to Corso Giuseppe Garibaldi street. Our estimated staying time is from 12th of...
9 years ago -
21 years old architecture intern looking for a shared flat in Cesena
I am a 21 years old architecture graduate, I will be taking an internship in an architecture studio in Cesena starting on the 15th of April 2015, lasting 6 months, I'm looking for a shared room or flat anywhere in Cesena, I'm easy going, fun to be...
9 years ago -
looking for a place from 15th of march for 4 months
I am going to do and Internship at an Architecture studio for 4 months. and curently looking for a place to stay :) Just finished my master degree and need to move out of Budapest for a while, I found this oppurtunety to go to italy and i am definitly...
9 years ago -
22 year old architecture student looking for accommodation in Cesena, Italy
I am a 22 year old architecture student. I just finished my undergraduate degree at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana and am considering taking an internship this sumemr at Tisselli Studio Architetti in Cesena, so am looking for cheap housing nearby to their...
9 years ago -
Good room cESENA
Hi all, I am master Student from the University of Valencia. Looking for a good room in Cesena, preferibly in Center Zone. I will be there 5 months and study in university of Psychology. Please let me know if you have an avaliable room or some advice to find a good...
10 years ago -
Still looking for accomodation near campus (October)
Hello there, i want to know if anybody has an empty or not full flat (or house) for rent near Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine School in Cesena campus for (2) students from Portugal, starting from 3 October to middle January or February end. - <300€ - Near...
10 years ago -
22 year old boy looking for a single room for rent in cesena italy from 1st of august to the 30th of december.
Hello, I'm a student of architecture in india coming there to cesena for 5 months training about to start from 1st of august and was seeking for room to stay in. It could be of any type sharing, single etc. my minimum stay should be for 1 month atleast. Anyone available...
10 years ago