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Travel Writer Stage

  • Company name or name of the person in charge: ITS srl
  • Job vacancy: Travel Writer Stage
  • Number of vacancies: 5

We are a dynamic and international software house based in Catania.

We, also work in the field of tourism and we are looking for travel writes to offer a unique professional experience. 

The perfect candidate speaks a language (mother tongue) and possibly a second one, fluently. 

He/She loves to travel, read and write.

We offer an opportunity to add experience to the candidate curriculum vitae and to be in contact with an international team. We offer an initial training which will teach you how to write and edit

If you think you are the right candidate, we wait for your email!

For info look for the website and use the contact us section. 


8 years ago

Tags: flag-it Student Jobs Catania, Catania, Italy

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