23 years old boy and 20 years old boy from Germany are looking for 2 flatmates

  • Move in date: 27 August 2016
  • Minumum stay: 4 months


my friend Till and me (Paco) are looking for 2 flatmates which are interested in sharing an appartment with intercultural people. We are interested in 2 guys to have a relaxed and cool atmosphere in our appartment. 

Regarding the appartment we are taking care to find something close to our faculties (business and engineering). 

Our stay will be from end of August till end of December. 

We are looking for people whoi are looking for a great time, to enjoy, travell around, study but also having fun going out. 

We exclude German people since we are interested in different cultures.

In case it sounds interesting to you please contact me.

About me / us Things that my roommate should have
Gender 2 boys 1 boy
Age 20 - 23 20 - 99
Occupation Student Student
Smoker Not specified Not specified
Partying Yes, but moderate Yes, but moderate
Pet No No

8 years ago

Tags: Flatmates Budapest, Budapest, Hungary

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