Sally-Anne Amakye
Written 12 years ago
Hi everyone,
My name is Sally-Anne and I will be interning in Brussels from June 2012 to June 2013, I am from the UK and can speak basic level French. So far I have not met anyone else that will be around at the same time, would love to meet students/ interns who would be around for this period as I do not really know anyone out here.
David Gonzalez
Written 12 years ago
Hi Sally,
i'm a spanish student and i'm going to be in Brussels since Septembre still Juin2013. If you want you can add me on facebook. I'm David Gonzalez Cuadrado, from Valencia, Spain, and we can speak by it.
Best wishes,
Lorraine Gavin
Written 12 years ago
Hola David :)
Soy Lorraine, soy estudiante en la univerisidad de Limerick en Irlanda, voy a estudiar en Brusselas en Septiembre, conoces a algunos apartamentos cerca del centro de la ciudad? Quiero alquilar un apt/kot por 5meses, de septiembre a enero, ayudame por favor :)
Besito Lorraine
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