Arrivederci, my beautiful Brussels!
The hardest good-bye
- Good - bye my lover, good bye my friend, it's been a while for me ... But never mind I'll find someone like you ...
All the saddest songs are playing in my head, while passing through places I've spent the most of the time with so many people, made various memories but now all those places look so empty, without any spirit or joy.First, I pass by Saint Catherine, to one of my closest Spanish friend's home.Where we usually enjoyed our warm spring and summer evenings on his rooftop or watching movies in his place and exchanging our traditional cuisines.I pick my eyes up all the way to 6th floor and want to scream:
But just laugh to myself about this idea and then turn to Debrouckère, go through the main street and turn towards one of the mot delicious waffle's places in Brussels but in the mid way, I stop and just stare into the empty and dark windows of my favorite Italian teacher.My hand started looking for a phone in my pocket and my fingers immediately started typing:
- Hey, how about that Italian class? Tonight you teach me and I cook for you a Lithuanian dish?
But I just smile, remember all the things we had together, serious and the most stupid ones and delete the message.Then my legs take me all the way to the alley near Saint Catherine, where my closest French / Portuguese girl was living.The hand was reaching for a door bell, and was about to say:
- How about our shisha evening? I have soo many things to tell you!
Probably whoever reads this would say why do you even need to say bye bye if now Ryanair gives you cheap opportunities to visit and see those people you met in any foreign country.Thank you captain obvious! Of course it's possible! It's just not the same anymore, there's such a different thing when you used to hang out with a person almost every day.rooftop, 5 in the morning nights enjoying pomdonner in the favorite kebab place after one more wild night in Le Corbeau, those walks in Christmas Market around Brussels in Saint Catherine, Grand place and Debrouckère with a glass of glutwein in your hand, those evenings while talking about nothing and everything with shisha till midnight, those Italian classes while cooking some Italian food, those hot days in the Ostend beach,
"Ohhhh, Lazy Grandpas, I love your way, everyday"
Once you move to foreign country, the loneliness forces to look for a new connections.Afterwards, you start meeting a lot of different people but it's not to meant to be close with every single one of them (sorry for the minority of those that thought we were) So, you start creating various groups of friends and try to hang out with those few ones, in order to create closer circle of friends, to have better and not only superficial relations.That is how it appeared our tiny but the closest Lazy Grandpas group.It consisted of many strong personalities all over Europe, somehow we always got along, though as in all families, in this case, international family we had some misunderstandings or fights, which were solved usually the next day.With these people I can honestly say that we opened hearts to each other, shared some secrets,moments and glasses of beers together.This staying together made us feel safer, better and stronger, even now that the majority has left.I do believe that when you have a stronger connection you can keep it (it's hard but surely possible) even kilometers away.Maybe with some even years after will keep the same relationship, maybe the other ones I will only see on TV and rise a glass of champagne for their success, or even with third ones after the ways are separated we will never speak again. Happens what happens, c'est la vie et la vie est belle, nevertheless they will always take a special place in my heart.And thank you for every each of you for that! keep it (it's hard but surely possible) even kilometers away.Maybe with some even years after will keep the same relationship, maybe the other ones I will only see on TV and rise a glass of champagne for their success, or even with third ones after the ways are separated we will never speak again.Happens what happens, c'est la vie et la vie est belle, nevertheless they will always take a special place in my heart.And thank you for every each of you for that! I do believe that when you have a stronger connection you can keep it (it's hard but surely possible) even kilometers away.Maybe with some even years after will keep the same relationship, maybe the other ones I will only see on TV and rise a glass of champagne for their success, or even with third ones after the ways are separated we will never speak again.Happens what happens, c'est la vie et la vie est belle,nevertheless they will always take a special place in my heart.And thank you for every one of you for that! c'est la vie et la vie est belle, nevertheless they will always take a special place in my heart.And thank you for every each of you for that! c'est la vie et la vie est belle, nevertheless they will always take a special place in my heart.And thank you for every each of you for that!
Some struggles and lessons to be learnt
Sounds like a dream come true to finally study, work and live away from the parent's nest. I admit I enjoyed that a lot, maybe too much, (my liver and wallet are still crying and suffering). Even now, on the way home, I already know how much my parents will be happy to see me and how that happiness will disappear in two weeks and they will complain about undone dishes, messy things around or any other things (I love you mom and dad!) Though, this time, while being away, living in Brussels thought me a few things:
Not to live with random people, you don't know. The better option would be to rent a small studio for yourself and to pay a bit more but not to be disgusted the way your new flatmates are living: dirty socks under the table in the living room, plenty of shoes thrown in the middle of the floor, 3 days undone dishes with the new fauna getting out from there and bloody tampons in the trash bin in the bathroom. I guess the only positive thing about them was that they were pretty friendly and after few arrows of criticism managed to clean their bordel (thank you honestly for that, I hope your future husbands will not suffer with you, like I did).
Not to party on Thursday. Seriously it's a really bad idea, Belgian beers might be sneaky. If you think that after drinking two beers of 8 degrees strength beer you still will be able to communicate pretty easily and tomorrow you will wake up with no problems to work, you're too naïve about it. Don't underestimate Belgian beers and just prepare for the worst (or just for harder hangovers).
Never trust Spanish, Italians, French or Bolivians, when they say that it's a chilled evening and you will stay at home playing some games. You will end up dancing till 5 in the morning in the club you never thought you will go and shake your hips like Shakira to different reggaeton songs with tequila shot in your hand.
Never do a group work with your course mates in university that you don't know that well. At the end of the project you all will get into fight and afterwards you will not even say hi anymore.
Never mix up the French and Dutch speaking parts in Belgium. It might get you into weird situations and you will get a lot of dissatisfaction from the natives.
Never underestimate Belgium's weather, always have a stronger umbrella and waterproof raincoat, unless you want to be like a raining man without a alleluia.
And always have some gel from pain and pain killers, because bones can crack very easily (sometimes the fault of too steep and narrow stairs or just the mix of roller skates and clumsy personality).
Sweet home Lithuania
All in all, it is necessary to go to live abroad, because it shapes you as a personality, you learn many things (especially some Italian and Spanish dishes), you start to worth things that you have back at home even more and finally learn to grow up in many ways.But suddenly all this experience is just an experience, you're back at home, all the things are the same again, like nothing hasn't changed but maybe just you only a bit.It feels like something is different, like one leg still would be there in Belgium (or any other country) and the other one in your hometown but you're not so sure where exactly you should belong.Deep inside you know that after living some time away, you will never stay at home, you will keep changing countries and keep looking for your own shelf to fit in. Or maybe it 's just a fashion of expatriating that makes you move as well, maybe this generation will be so mixed that in every single country you could feel like home.Maybe you're just a little leaf in this world and you will go by the flow and see where this will take you.Whatever happens, it always has a happy ending, if not you can create your own by moving abroad, trying new things, meeting foreign people, stepping out from our comfort zone, learning new languages and getting to know new cultures, because life is too short and world is too big not use chances at the right moment.I used mine but will you? Whatever happens, it always has a happy ending, if not you can create your own by moving abroad, trying new things, meeting foreign people, stepping out from our comfort zone, learning new languages and getting to know new cultures,because life is too short and world is too big not use chances at the right moment.I used mine but will you? meeting foreign people, stepping out from our comfort zone, learning new languages and getting to know new cultures, because life is too short and world is too big not use chances at the right moment.I used mine but will you?I used mine but will you?I used mine but will you?
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