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Published by flag-it Christian Autunno — 5 years ago

0 Tags: flag-be Erasmus experiences Brugge, Brugge, Belgium


I want to talk you of my brief visit to Bruges, the capital of the Western Flanders, constituted mainly by channels. To my opinion a modernized Venice seems, have rather remained struck from this small city, have recommended me in many to visit it and are satisfied indeed to have done it!

I was a sceptic pò having seen it "poverty" as Bruxelles (what I criticized before visiting her/it and critical to great reason after having done it, you go to see the critique if you want to know something of it) regards. But let's assemble now us on Bruges.


That that you see above it is the famous Plaza of the Market as well as it places central, surrounded, rather stormed by restaurants and pub with the possibility to eat to the outside of the structure, in how much prepared of gazebo and of columns heaters for external. The plaza is surrounded of historical buildings medieval style. Other photo regarding the Plaza of the Market, as you are able well to see there has been in the period of December, these are the mercatinis of Christmas inserted inside the plaza. According to me the best period to visit this beautiful city is in winter, people's in Stockholm, if I am not wrong to beginning season they put the footstep of skating, as you will be able well to see from the following photo.

I have known a lot of people in this city, despite there has only been a day both people of the place (students), the rest are tourists, for what I can also tell you in one day (if you are physically active people) it is possible to visit the city to visit above all the principal monuments that I will list you following.

The Town hall of Bruges, this town (very beautiful aesthetically stormed of flags of various nations) building leans out on other city monuments, it is one of the most ancient buildings in Belgium, it goes up again to 1400 around.

Is inevitable turn in boat on the Minnewater, knows that the people with which I was, have not lifted once the look to admire this river and the same city, because of the cold, however if you peck at the correct day it is worth indeed the punishment (I have sacrificed for making some photos and video with the action cam) of it. You look and you admire this it is my preferred photo of the whole visit to the city, they have been 40 minutes and 5 euros well spent of my life, factor time and costs have satisfied all her "trip". You can admire the medieval style of the houses, that touch of gothic that detaches in front of the whole rest.

This city has been confirmed as permanent center of the College of Europe and the medieval historical center has been proclaimed patrimony of the humanity by the Unesco in the 2000.


Other activities

A particular museum has struck me, the museum of El Salvador Give. It will be that I am impassioned of it's surreal style and that they attract a lot me it's works. If I don't mistake the special museum of Give it is found them to Madrid (there have been but I am not sure is the principal museum), however he is also famous for the suggestive and eccentric images of it's surrealist works, that represent a lot of sexual scenes, at the same time comic seen by a certain point of view. Here to you an image done inside the museum, with some of his works, this show counts around 200 works (according to one quantitative perspective of mine, not to confuse with the quantitave easing, as well as quantitative training). It cost around 4 euros per person.


Moreover, you must visit:

  1. Groningemuseum museum of classical Flemish art, constituted mainly by going up again primitive oggettistica to the '700 - Beffroi of Rouges, situated medieval bell tower in the central plaza.
  2. Basilica of the Saint Blood, is a small basilica, known to guard a containing vial the blood of Christ.
  3. Burg, a plaza of square plant, in origin without any special enclosure and as fortitude acted mainly. Her fortitude it rises on what had to be the intersection of the Roman road that united Oudenburg and Aardenburg and the river Reie.
  4. Cathedral of St. Savior, is a religious building, the eye will go to directly end on the gothic tower, impossible not to individualize it, to the inside you are intern cavernous and famous Flemish art.

Finally, I have read that the zone of the I bring it is an important center for the fishing and the foreign commerce. In Belgium, when it is said I bring, he normally intends Anversa, it deals with one of the most important ports of the world. To arrive us, the ships must cross times of navigation on the river.

What to eat

I have read critiques before choosing a place in which to eat to Bruges, and on trip advisor on top of the classification brings the "Bruut" defined as good place in which fish can be eaten. To say the truth my friends there they have gone and, honestly, they have not said the same things that I read in the critiques, I have seen a lot rather her "swollen" respect the reality. However I have eaten to the "t Grillkasteeltje" that it is exactly found to the address: Gevangenisstraat 1, Bruges 8000, Belgium. Honestly, from the kitchen both fish and meat excellent, not very economic (justly) but I advise indeed to go there.


For me is the perfect place to stay with your soulmate, is so romantic... As i told before, is like a modern Venice. I saw this city just for one day, but one day let me understood how beautiful is it, how good is the hand of human in this world. "We" is the perfect pronoum that need to be used.

Said this anything wants to ask me, they are to complete disposition.

All the pictures are made by me.

Parole di un viaggiatore.


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