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Experience in Bologna, Italy by Anna

Published by flag-it Anna P — 4 years ago

0 Tags: flag-it Erasmus experiences Bologna, Bologna, Italy

What is it like to live in Bologna? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

Living in Bologna is a crazy experience. I would definitely recommend it to all students. Bologna is full of young people, cosy. Everyone feels at home.

What is the student lifestyle like in Bologna?

It's the best part of the city! There are various libraries and faculties in university neighborhood.

How much does it cost to live in Bologna?

Prices are not so high. Especially drinking and eating out.

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Bologna? Is there any advice you can give?

Very difficult. Price-quality ratio is not good at all. The average price for a single room is 350 €. I would recommend to find accommodation in advance and see it before concluding the contract.


What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

Food is the other best part of the city! The traditional food is delicious: lasagna, tagliatelle, cotoletta alla bolognese, tortellini...

What places would you recommend visiting in Bologna?

Visit San petronio, Santo Stefano, Santuario di San Luca and close cities like Ferrara, Modena, Ravenna, Rimini.

Is it good to eat out in Bologna? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

It is very good to eat out traditional food, in "osterie" (osteria dell'orsa, nonna Rosa, da me) and pizza (ranzani 13, Spacca Napoli). Not so good sushi and foreign food.

Is the nightlife good in Bologna? Where is good to go?

Nightlife is fun and particular. The most happens in students houses and in the streets (Via del Pratello, Via zamboni, via Petroni). Clubs are not fantastic, but still: Numa, locomotiv, kindergarten, millennium.

What advice would you give future students heading to Bologna?

Try to learn a little bit of Italian maybe! And go to the hills (colli) in the outskirts of the city!


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