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Esperienza a Bologna, Italia da Helene

Published by flag-dk Helene Knudsen — 10 years ago

0 Tags: flag-it Erasmus experiences Bologna, Bologna, Italy

What is the student lifestyle like in Bologna?

There's tons of students and tons of international students too.
In the bachelor degree courses there's 100-300 people in each course which makes it kind of difficult to get to know people.
The master degree courses are a lot smaller and thus gets more "personal".

How much does it cost to live in Bologna?

Bologna is quite an expensive city compared to the rest of Italy. It might just be the 2nd most expensive city next to Rome.

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Bologna? Is there any advice you can give?

September is a very difficult month to find a place because so many new international students arrive. So start early!

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

The Emilia-Romagna region is known for its cuisine.
Tortellini, mortadella, parma reggiano, prosciutto di parma, piedina and the list goes on. And it's all great!

What places would you recommend visiting in Bologna?

La Basilica di Santo Stefano (the seven churches). Amazing place! Seven churches has been built in the same spot in different eras, the oldest dating back to the 5th century or so. It's quite a unique atmosphere.

The University Museums (for example the Poggi Museums).

San Luca.

Is it good to eat out in Bologna? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

There's a great piedineria at Via Rialto!

And Spacca Napoli! The biggest pizza you've ever had and you'll never again have anything like it anywhere else.

What advice would you give future students heading to Bologna?

Enjoy! The city is full of history also where you least expect it so keep your eyes and ears open!

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