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Do you want earn money while practicing english?

  • Company name or name of the person in charge: Taalk.io
  • Job vacancy: Do you want earn money while practicing english?
  • Number of vacancies: 50

Are you an English speaking student (or even any other language) with some free time everyday? Then we have the perfect job offer for you. It couldn't be better, you just have to practice your English and will start earning money!

We are looking for people that has a good level of English and is willing to spend some time practising the language with some other students.

TAALK.io is a revolutionary way of practising languages with other users via language exchanges. From now on, you won't have to already know people in order to practise, as we will offer them to you so that you can do this at any time and from anywhere.

If you feel you fit in this job contact us and we will give you more details.


10 years ago

Tags: flag-de Student Jobs Berlin, Berlin, Germany

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