27 years old girl, looking for accommodation in Berlin

  • Move in date: 1 June 2019
  • Minumum stay: 6 months
Mst Mariom


I am an HR student at IUBH Berlin from Bangladesh. Master Degree program in Human Resource Management organized by the IUBH International Hochschule. I perceive this program to be a solid step towards my future career as an HR professional because I strongly believe that this course can provide me with the knowledge that will help me to do that better. Management of Human Resources is essential for the smooth running of each business organization, just like a hearth in the human body. I especially like that program your University implements has an international perspective, and I firmly believe it will prepare me for work in a dynamic global industry, especially for emerging companies which are now the main generator of economic growth. 

Therefore, I am looking for a place to stay from June 1st to December 31st. I would be very happy to finally find a room as accommodation.

 I am an organized, clean and respectful person.

About me / us Things that my roommate should have
Gender 1 girl Not specified
Age 27 18 - 99
Occupation Not specified Not specified
Smoker Not specified Not specified
Partying Not specified Not specified
Pet Not specified Not specified

5 years ago

Tags: Flatmates Berlin, Berlin, Germany

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