23yo gay guy looking for roommate/flatmate in Berlin 2023-24

  • Move in date: 1 September 2023
  • Minumum stay: 6 months

Hi! I am a Dutch guy going to Berlin for a master this year (moving in by October 2023). I am looking for a roommate (or house mate) to split costs but above all to become close friends with. I am a gay guy so I prefer other gay/bi guys, or at least open-minded people, as I want to avoid awkward situations. I am easy going and expect the same. I am a clean and considerate guy, but I really don't mind messy and outgoing roommates; they are often more fun, and I'm happy to exchange household chores for good company ;)

I'm going to Berlin to practise German, so if you are German-speaking that's a bonus, but same for native French, Spanish and Italian speakers who do not wish to speak in English. 

Don't hesitate to write me!

About me / us Things that my roommate should have
Gender 1 boy 1 boy
Age 23 18 - 50
Occupation Student Not specified
Smoker No Not specified
Partying Yes, but moderate Not specified
Pet No Not specified

one year ago

Tags: Flatmates Berlin, Berlin, Germany

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