Erasmus students Bath
Megan Green
Currently lives in Bath. Studied at University of Bath. Has a scholarship Working Geneva 2014 / 2015
Ane Arce
Born in Bilbao. Currently lives in Bath. Studied at Universidad de Deusto. Has a scholarship Bath 2014 / 2015 at university Bath Spa University
Harry Brennan
Born in Plymouth. Currently lives in Bath. Studied at University of Bath. Has a scholarship Erasmus Rome 2014 / 2015 at university Università degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza'
Inês Gomes
Born in Lisbon. Currently lives in Bath. Studied at Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa. Has a scholarship Erasmus Bath 2014 / 2015 at university University of Bath
Ruth O'Gorman
Currently lives in Bath. Studied at Aberystwyth University. Has a scholarship Erasmus Salamanca 2014 / 2015 at university Universidad de Salamanca
Tom Batchelor
Born in Bath. Currently lives in Bath. Studied at University of Leeds. Has a scholarship Full Degree Copenhagen 2014 / 2015 at university Københavns Universitet
Martin Suarez
Born in Ibague. Currently lives in Bath. Studied at Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. Has a scholarship Bath 2014 / 2015 at university Bath Spa University
Sim Davulcu
Born in Nicosia. Currently lives in Bath. Studied at University of Bath. Has a scholarship Cagliari 2015 / 2016 at university Università degli Studi di Cagliari
Anita Morgan
Born in Cheltenham. Currently lives in Bath. Studied at University of Bath.
Jonatan Lopez
Born in Bath. Currently lives in Bath. Has a scholarship Limerick 2014 / 2015
Josh Perkins
Born in Cardiff. Currently lives in Bath. Studied at University of Bath. Has a scholarship Aix-en-Provence 2015 / 2016 at university Université de Provence Aix-Marseille I
Carly Probert
Born in Newport. Currently lives in Bath. Studied at University of Bath. Has a scholarship Brussels 2015 / 2016
Elie Daverio
Born in Paris. Currently lives in Bath. Studied at University of Bath.
Georgia Yale
Born in Shrewsbury. Currently lives in Bath. Studied at University of Bath. Has a scholarship Paris 2016 / 2017
Rory Compton
Born in Salisbury. Currently lives in Bath. Studied at University of Manchester. Has a scholarship Madrid 2015 / 2016 at university University of Manchester
Rebekah Chapman
Born in Bath. Currently lives in Bath. Studied at University of Leeds. Has a scholarship Cadiz 2015 / 2016 at university Universidad de Cádiz, Campus de Cádiz
Nick Venton
Born in Bath. Currently lives in Bath. Studied at University of Portsmouth. Has a scholarship Paris 2015 / 2016 at university International School of Management [Paris]
Caio Martires
Born in Belém. Currently lives in Bath. Studied at University of Bath. Has a scholarship Munich 2015 / 2016 at university University of Bath
Ferr Ramos
Born in Queretaro. Currently lives in Bath. Studied at University of Bath.