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Tirocinio retribuito 225 €/mese in CRM e marketing a Barcellona

  • Company name or name of the person in charge: Spain Internship
  • Job vacancy: Tirocinio retribuito 225 €/mese in CRM e marketing a Barcellona
  • Number of vacancies: 7
  • Salary in €: 225.00 € Monthly


Company description:
Our collaborator is an e-commerce business with offices located in Sabadell, Barcelona, Spain. Being a reference in their field in Spain, they are preparing their internationalization process.
You would become a marketing assistant for your native country, experimenting a real process of internationalization and being a perfect opportunity to start a career. They are a young team working in an innovative environment.

Main tasks:
- Translations of products and documentation
- Marketing tasks to breach into foreign markets: research, proposing strategies.
- Marketing online
- Customer service management

Language skills:
- French / Italian / English / German / Polish / Turkish / Portuguese / Dutch


- Language requirements (at a native standard level)
- Higher education undergraduate
- Highly motivated
- International ambitions
- Any previous SEO / marketing in e-commerce experience is a plus.

- sales
- business
- marketing
- administration
- advertising
- communication

The company is offering support in living costs with 225 euros.


9 years ago

Tags: flag-es Student Jobs Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

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