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  • Company name or name of the person in charge: Marina
  • Job vacancy: Teacher-Companion
  • Number of vacancies: 1

1. Britishwoman companion for the boy

We are looking for a Britishwoman (strictly!), 28-45 y.o. for teaching 11 y.o. boy, who is studying in British School. Required education: maybe historical, psychological, pedagogical, possibly initial legal. She should be broad-minded. She should has an ability to teach or at least she should have some experience in education\teaching.

We are ready to provide room free of charge and she will be a tutor/companion for the boy.

2. British student companion for the boy

We are looking for a 23 – 30 y.o British(strictly!) student(male) who is ready to teach(help with homework, some additional classes) a boy (11 y.o), who is studying in British School. Working hours from 4pm till 9pm, 6 days in a week. Student should has a liberal arts  or mathematical education/background and work experience with children.


8 years ago

Tags: flag-es Student Jobs Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

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