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Part time promotions

  • Company name or name of the person in charge: Party Like Boss
  • Job vacancy: Part time promotions
  • Number of vacancies: 10

PartyLikeBoss™ / Promotion team jobs


Do you want to make some extra money in Barcelona and have a blast while doing it? 

We are looking for sociable, dynamic promoters to join our team at Party Like (a) Boss Barcelona! 

Your role will be to promote our nightlife activities on the beach, in bars, hostels and clubs. 

This role is ideal for exchange students looking for a bit of extra money to pay for their stay or for long-term visitors who want to experience Barcelona from a different side. 

Earn a commission for every customer you get on top of a fixed fee and get access to the best nightlife Barcelona has to offer. 

We offer flexible working hours (more or less 5 nights per week) with a great team of people. If you love making people have a good time, then this job is for you. 

Fluency in English is required, a second language is definitely a plus (German, French, Italian, Portuguese. . . ). Spanish comes in handy, but is ultimately optional. 


8 years ago

Tags: flag-es Student Jobs Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

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