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  • Company name or name of the person in charge: DpointGroup
  • Job vacancy: Internship
  • Number of vacancies: 10

Do you want to work in an international environment? Do you want to develop the skills in the area of your interest? Then DpointGroup, located in Barcelona, is a great choice for you!


-Business Development
-Marketing and Sales
-Web development
-Tourism management
-Community management
-Human Resources

THE COMPANY GIVES training on different subjects and programs (Photo/ Web/Video Editors, SEO, community Management, Google ad words/ad sense and Business solutions, Blogging and Domaining).

Paid on commission basisan average of 100euros to 1000 euros aprox. per month. Interns must bring their own laptops. 20 hrs per week more or less upon request, flexible timetable.


6 years ago

Tags: flag-es Student Jobs Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

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