Erasmusu Staff
Written 3 years ago
Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Athens 2022 / 2023!
This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Athens in 2022 / 2023 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices and cost of living in Athens, places for Erasmus parties or any other question you may habe. Here you can also find:
- The accommodation in Athens
- Other students that are looking for accommodation
- Students jobs in Athens
- The general forum for Athens
- The blog Erasmus Athens
- What to see in Athens, Erasmus party, where to eat
- Erasmus experiences in Athens
- People who have been, are and will be in Athens
- A photo gallery of Athens
- The map and weather in Athens
- The universities in Athens
Warning! If you want to advertise an accommodation or your are looking for one... the forum is not the place for doing that. In order to advertise your accommodation in Athens or in order to find roommates don’t use this forum, go to the accommodation section of Athens.
Livin' la vida Erasmus!
Ries H
Written 2 years ago
Hey! I'm Ries and I will be studying in Athens next semester! I am looking forward to get to know new people so, get in touch :)
Typhaine Trubert
Written 2 years ago
I will go to Athens in erasmus from January 2023 to June 2023 approximately, you too?
(Sorry idon't speak english very well for the moment)
Molly Griffin
Written 2 years ago
I am studying in Athens from september 2022-february 2023, I'm so excited!
I love meeting new people and making memories, so please feel free to reach out:)
Megan D’alessandri
Written 2 years ago
Hello! I'm Megan, from Rome and I'll be in Athens for the next first semester (sept-febr)!
Hope to get to know a lot of people to share my experience with :)
Julia Esteve
Written 2 years ago
I will stay in Athens from may to july (2022) for an internship, I will be pleased to meet a bunch of nice people there to share this incredible experience :) Let me know if you plan to share the same dates as mine.
Thomas P.
Written 2 years ago
Hi everyone,
I will be staying in Athens from September '22 onwards, I'm looking forward to get to know new people and make memories there!
Esperanza Roman
Written 2 years ago
Hi! Im staying in Athens from October until May, Im from Spain and in looking forward to know new people, in which university will you all study?
Yasmine Baloum
Written 2 years ago
Hi everybody ! I will be staying in Athens from September until February. I'm looking to meet new people there ! Feel free to reach out to me, I'll be happy :)
Laura Jiménez
Written 2 years ago
I'm Laura, from Spain. I will study in Athens during the second semester and I would like to know new people there and live many new experiences. Feel free to reach me out:)
María González
Written 2 years ago
Hi! My name is María, and I study in Santander. I want to do my last course 2022-2023 online and in Athens, to live the experience, travel and meet new people ✨
Supreeth Prashanth
Written 2 years ago
Hi everyone! I am Supreeth and will be studying BA program in Archaeology at the University of Athens this september Interested to make new friends, fin acommodation, guides for city of Athens and in general have fun!
I like M*A*S*H TV series and am aiming to complete my star-wars legends novel marathon read one of tthese days.
Ping me, I am free for a chat! Thanks.
Denis Ardito
Written 2 years ago
Hi guys! I'm Denis. I'm going to be in Athens from October 2022 to February 2023. can't wait to know new people and live new experiences there!
Write me if u want :)
Valerio Chiarlone
Written 2 years ago
Hi; I'm Valerio. I will study at NKUA (University of Athens) in the winter semester (from October 2022 to February 2023), especially in the department of History and Archaeology. I'm looking for roomates to share a house with. If you want to, write me!
Jeanne Salmon
Written 2 years ago
Hi! I'm Jeanne from France. I will be studying at Panteion University next year, specifically Sociology. I love meeting new people and making memories ! I'll be happy to chat with you if you want :)
Eli Gutiérrez
Written 2 years ago
Hi!! I'm Eli, I'll be studying next year at West Attica from September '22 until June '23. I was wondering if there was an international group chat ? Should we make one if there isn't?