Experience in Archangelsk, Russian Fereration by Milits.a
What is it like to live in Archangelsk? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?
Street theaters festival, white night, art museum, Cafe"Кушать продано"
How much does it cost to live in Archangelsk?
About 25000 rubles
Is it difficult to find accommodation in Archangelsk? Is there any advice you can give?
Fairly easy. There are bad and dangerous areas: salambala, sulfate
What places would you recommend visiting in Archangelsk?
Panov youth theater, art Museum, Malý Korel
Is it good to eat out in Archangelsk? Can you tell us your favourite spots?
Yes. My favorite Cafe is "кушать подано" and "чердак"
What advice would you give future students heading to Archangelsk?
Don't expect much from this city
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