Erasmus experience in Alcalá De Henares, Spain
Why did you choose to go to Alcalá De Henares, Spain?
Because of it's location close to Madrid, the great transport connections and the university's reputation.
How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs?
The EU scholarship for me was roughly 1. 900€ for 10 months
What is the student lifestyle like in Alcalá De Henares?
The student lifestyle in Alcalá is different from my home university. There aren't as many parties or nightclubs but as the Erasmus group is smaller you get to know everyone easliy. Plus Madrid is only 35 minutes away for some great night life.
The university doesn't have as many social groups as my home university and there aren't many restaurants, cafés, etc., in the university.
Would you recommend the city and the University of Alcalá De Henares to other students?
Yes! Alcalá is amazing! I had so much fun there and in Madrid. I would definitely recommend the city. However, if you are looking for a crazy party Erasmus lifestyle I would recommend Salamanca or Granada.
What is the food like?
The food in Alcalá is great. There are several tapas bars and some nice restaurants in Alcalá.
How did you find your accommodation?
I found it on the internet on
What are the accommodation prices like? What are prices like for other things in general?
Accommodation is usually 250€ - 350€ per month. Other bills for internet, electricity, gas, water come to 30€/month. Supermarket was usually 15€ - 20€ per week. Alcalá buses cost 1€, metro Madrid 1€, bonotren (10 trips) Alcalá-Madrid about 20€.
Phone bills are quite expensive.
Is the language easy to get to grips with? Are there language courses available at the University?
There are language courses and the language is easy to learn if you engage yourself and practice.
What's the easiest or most economical way to travel to Alcalá De Henares from your city?
Usually by Ryanair or another low cost airline to Madrid Barajas Airport.
Where would you recommend to go on a night out in Alcalá De Henares?
Casco and Can Can. They aren't great clubs but if you have good friends they are lots of fun. Gabannabar is always very crowded as is Media Pinta. The temperature is very high and uncomfortable.
In Madrid Teatro Kapital is amazing. Fabrik on the edge of Madrid is also a great club, but difficult to get to from Alcalá.
And for eating? Can you recommend some good restaurants in Alcalá De Henares?
Indalo, El Tapón, and some other places on Calle Mayor.
Bar El Tigre in Madrid in Chueca has great free tapas too.
What good cultural sites are there to visit?
There are so many in Madrid. Botanic Gardens, Teleferico, Prado museum, Reina Sofia Museum, Parque del Retiro, Circulo de Bellas Artes, Sol, Plaza Cibeles, Palacio Real...
In Alcalá: Plaza Cervantes, the university, the cathedral, the archaeology museum.
Is there any other advice that you could give to students going to Alcalá De Henares in the future?
Although it can be difficult, engage with Spanish students as much as possible. They don't talk much to Erasmus but once you talk to them they are very nice and helpful.
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Content available in other languages
- Polski: Erasmusowe doświadczenie w Alcalá De Henares, Hiszpania
- Italiano: Esperienza Erasmus ad Alcalá de Henares, Spagna
- Español: Experiencia Erasmus en Alcalá de Henares, España
- Français: Expèrience Erasmus à Alcalá de Henares, Espagne
- Türkçe: Alcalá De Henares, İspanya'da Erasmus Deneyimi
- Português: Experiência de Erasmus em Alacalá De Henares, Espanha
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Hola somos Kabbai, un bar que se encuentra en la zona de Alcalá de Henares, los jueves tenemos fiestas de erasmus y queremos invitaros a todos! Tenéis las copas a 4€ y las cervezas a 2€! Abrimos de 22h a 4h, nuestro twiiter es @barKabbai y esta es nuestra página web Este jueves 15 tenemos fiesta erasmus!! os esperamos alli!! Muchas gracias!!!