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Erasmus Aberystwyth 2011 / 2012 (English)

Showing 1-13 of 13 entries


Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Aberystwyth 2011 / 2012!

This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Aberystwyth in 2011 / 2012 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices, places for parties, how to get to Aberystwyth, etc. Here you can also find:

- The general forum for Aberystwyth
- People who have been, are and will be in Aberystwyth
- A photo gallery of Aberystwyth
- Erasmus experiences in Aberystwyth
- The map and weather in Aberystwyth
- The Universities in Aberystwyth

If you're a student who's spent time in Aberystwyth in the past you can share your experiences and vote for Aberystwyth by clicking here. The cities with the best and most interesting experiences will appear higher up in the ranking of Erasmus cities. Help Aberystwyth win the number one spot!

Livin' la vida Erasmus!

Is anyone going to Aber next school year? I've applied for Aberystwyth University to do my last school year in Information Studies. I'm actually doing a degree in Audiovisual Commnunication (Film and Television Studies) in Spain but there is no option for that there. I would like some information such as accomodation, prices to rent a spare room or live in a student hostel, how to get there by plane from Madrid and by train from Bristol or Liverpool and so on. Thanks in advance!

Hi :) probably i will go to Aberystwyth :) I study Information Science and Librarianship (im writing my dissertation about infobrokering now), so i must choose Department of Information Studies. Exactly now im trying to find some information about subjects :) about accomodation: on the webpage of university is a lot of information- for example http://www.aber.ac.uk/en/media/Residence_Handbook_en_2010-11.pdf :)

p.s. nice to meet you! :)

I'm going too ^^ Im Studying translation in cordoba (spain), and i'm searching for some more information about Aber

so nice to meet you! :) what do you want to know about aber? maybe i will be able to help you :) im also still searching information, about accomodation, beginning of semestre, classes etc. and my main goal is find to other people who also will be studying there :) would be nice to know someone before ;)
do you know if aberystwyth university organize some preparatory week/meeting for erasmus students? i cant find this information on website :)

I really don't know if there is a preparatory week but i have some information about living there from a friend that have already been in Aber. It's all in this blog http://aberexperience.blogspot.com but it's in spanish but you can translate it to english if you would.
This is some of what i could find:

"The best way to get to Aber, the cheapest, although you will not believe the fastest ... is to fly to birmingham from your nearest airport, Ryanair has good deals there. Once there, the airport is directly connected to the international railway station and you go to a ticket window and ask for Aber, typically cost between 20 and 30 pounds although they vary very fast and once I had to pay 49 pounds for the ticket going ... Aber Station is at the center of town so I'll be relatively close to where you are going to be."

Anyway, in my university here in spain is gonna be a meeting to give us more information to get there and all the things we have to do to change the subjects, maybe in your university it's not in the same way, but after that meeting i'm going to send an email to aber international centre and accomodation office to ask for more information ^^
This is my email: [email protected] but if you want you cant search me by facebbok 'cause I use it more. Helen Black and the same photo ^^
Nice to meet you too Paulina!!!!

If i find some free time i will read that blog, thanks :)
ans i also know the best way is coming to birmingham first :) travel from birmingham to aber lasts 3 hours :)
probably at the beginning of april i also will have some informational meeting, but it will be probably rather about documents which i must prepare and etc :)
what do you think - better is accomodation in dorm or own flat?
i will find you on fb ;)

oh i cant find you on fb

Oh, ok, try with "Elena Moreno C" on facebook, its my second name for an easy search, but if it doesn't work give me your name on fb and i'll try to search you.
Maybe my informational meeting will be the same, documents and so on, but on the blog there is some information about living there, if you have any doubt with the language of the blog, please let me know it^^

A friend of mine that had already been there told me that dorms are cheaper and easy to live, and are near the campus. Selfcatered are cheaper and i've see on the web that are really fine. Maybe to get to the town center we have to walk 15 or 20 min but everything is near in Aber.
But this friend lived in a flat, ironically, but she said she was lucky, in dorms we have TV and internet, but in a flat we have to search and pay for it.
But this is only speculation i'm going to send an email on monday to the accomodation office and we will see ^^

oh i still cant find you... so i give you my email [email protected] and if you want you may try to find me on fb ;)
next thursday i have some meeting about erasmus, so probably i will get much more information ;) i read that it will be about documents, my duties (!) and sth like that :)
i checked that dorm cost almost 400 pounds per month, and i found some rooms for rent (in students houses) which cost definitely less, about 250 - 300 pounds per month (including bils) :)

Ok, i'll add your email and i will try to search you on Facebook. You have a second name? or something wich will serve me to find you?
I think student houses are the best option. Anyway I also have my information meeting next thursday and when we send the application form, the university of Aber will give us some information about residences and living there. Or I hope so, hehe.

if you put my email to search engine on fb you will find me ;) im waiting! ;)

Done!!!!! ^^

Showing 1-13 of 13 entries


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