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Australian Bar

  - 1 opinions

Party! (Aarhus)

Published by flag-es Claudia Fernández — 9 years ago

Australian Bar is located in the city center of Aarhus. It is fully recommended. It is a great place to party. It's open on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, admission is free from 22:00 to 23:00, you only have to pay 20 crowns (about 3 euros) for the wardrobe, and these days they have free beer for an hour (from 23:00 to 00:00) 

Australian Bar está situado en el centro de la ciudad de Aarhus. Es totalmente recomendable. Es un gran lugar para salir de fiesta. Abren los jueves, viernes y sábados, la entrada es gratis de 22:00 a 23:00,solo hay que pagar 20 coronas(más o menos 3 euros) por el ropero, y esos días tienen hora gratis de cerveza de 23:00 a 00:00. 


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