Looking for someone to replace me for the second semester.
Hi there! I am leaving my room at Halifax college for mid December, so I am looking for a replacement from mid December or January. It is only available for postgraduate students from the University of York. Contact me for more information or, if you are not interested,...
5 months ago -
32 year old girl looking for accommodation in York
I am Gaia, a 32 old Italian girl. I am a PhD student in Pisa (Agrobiosciences Programme at Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna) and I will come in York the 21th of February, starting the abroad period of my PhD at the Biology Department of the University of York until the end of...
7 years ago -
French PhD student looking for accomodation in York (UK)
Hi, I'm a French PhD student and I come in York to work with a researcher of the University on my thesis. I'm looking for a flat or a houseshare/flatshare in York for a period of three months starting on September 15th, and until December 15th. I'm 27 year old, I like...
7 years ago -
21 year old girl looking for a room to be rent in newyork
My name is alicia genesius and i am 21 years old girl,come from indonesia, and i am looking for single room to be rent, better if its small studio which attach bathroom With max price 1400 usd,Prefered to share the place with female tennant only, i am ok with animal,...
7 years ago -
18 years old women searching for an accommodation for 2 month
I'm a french student and i'm looking for an accomodation in york for 2 month. I willbe on an internship during may and june. I'm looking for a cheap accomodatio in the heart of york or near Monkgate if it's possible. I'm really friendlyand i would like to share my...
8 years ago