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  • Babysitter/nanny

    Hello,  We are a family based in Jurancon, near Pau. After 2 years in London our 2 daughters (9 and 5 years old) need an english native speaker for recurring babysitting/activities to keep practicing english.  We are looking for someone reliable, full of joy and happy...

    6 months ago
  • Babysitting Natives: English y Español et Russian speaker

    Good day / Buenas dias /  добрый день to you all Erasmus students in the city of Pau.  I am searching for baby-sitters for my toddler daughter, starting as early as August and on. I'm looking for an English, Spanish and Russian native speaker !  We sort of...

    one year ago
  • looking for a babysitter, female native English speak in Pau

    Currently looking for a babysitter, female native English speaking  in Pau, France. We are a French family  and have 2 kids ( 8 and 5 years old) You will spend time playing fun games and activities on wedsnesday.  Requirements: - over 18- native English speaker-...

    4 years ago
  • English-speaking Babysitter for lovely family in Pau

    Currently looking to hire a kind and responsible young, female native English speaking individual to work as a babysitter in Pau, France. The schedule would roughly be 8 hours a week, working Monday to Thursday. We are a French family that just spet 2 years in South...

    6 years ago
  • web

    We have two children 1. 1,5 year and other 2 months need every week 6 or more hour baby sitting  i am disabled and not able to walk far distance because of this i search somebody who could walk with my children some hours at the fresh air. and we need somebody to...

    9 years ago
  • English-speaking Babysitter for lovely family from New Zealand in Pau

    Currently looking to hire a kind and responsible young, female native English speaking individual to work as a babysitter in Pau, France. The schedule would roughly be 8 hours a week, working Monday and Thursday. The clients are a kiwi family from New Zealand and have...

    9 years ago

Student jobs in Pau in other languages:

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