Erasmus blog Hannover
Excursions from Bremen: Hannover
Hi! As I said in the article about transport in Bremen, the Semesterticket allows you to get a large number of regional trains for free. This allows you to get around this whole region in Germany, getting to really know some of the most important cities in the country,...
0 0 , 8 years ago -
Sport Party
This was one of the parties organized by the small group of Spanish was in Hannover. It did not have much expectation, there were only Spanish, but it was fun. As its name suggests, each person had to be dressed in a sports theme. I was dressed for Messi, because I got...
0 0 , 13 years ago -
The Piramid
It is a card game that is played also in the group. All cards are dealt. If crowded, with several decks, and the leftover is a pyramid with rows of 5-4-3-2-1 letters, pyramid-shaped. We gets up first and if anyone has the same number that has appeared, drink a shot. The...
0 0 , 13 years ago -
Pim, Pam, Pum
Here is another drinking game which I like. Try to get all participants in a circle. It begins by taking a small object and you must pass it in order, clockwise. There should be a dialogue between you and the recipient: - Take a pim. - A what? - A pim. This must be done...
0 0 , 13 years ago -
Sunglasses Party
One of the most funny is the sunglasses party. It stays in a home or residence at 21h, when it is night, but with sunglasses. we do not see anything but fun. There are many types of glasses and some people are designing their own. You have to dance with them, talk with...
0 0 , 13 years ago -
It was my dorm where I lived for 11 months of my Erasmus. They were 3 blocks of metal facade and were located in Herrenhäuser Markt, near Herrenhäuser Garten. Each block had a different color in your post and his shot from the top. Were red, blue and yellow. I lived...
0 0 , 13 years ago -
Flur Party
The University of Hannover usually do many activities for students. One of them is giving money 3 times a semester to organize a FlurParty, which means a party in a party. Incidentally it was organized in my residence. The point was that the beer was free of charge and...
0 0 , 13 years ago -
My Erasmus map!
When we did the last party at my house, I bought a large map that everyone could write something about them. Everyone wrote and when the party ended, the map was full of stuff. Is hanging in my room in Seville and every time I look at every thing I remember I went to...
0 0 , 13 years ago -
Sangria Party
When Alberto, Javi and I said goodbye to the Erasmus wanted to make a big party. So, we went to the supermarket to buy stuff to make one: We had 80 liters of sangria for all our friends! Of course, we had no place in the refrigerator and when he finished a bowl, we were...
0 0 , 13 years ago -
Cafe Safran
Every Tuesday of the Erasmus, all the students met in Hanover in a bar, called Café Safran. It was a small bar at the corner and had a very good atmosphere in the interior, where you could eat and drink large glasses of beer. Each day (Montag, Dienstag... ) had a...
0 0 , 13 years ago -
Martian number...
A typical game on parties at home are the ones where you have to drink if anything happens. I personally love;the Martian;. Each person takes a number assigned to itself. If there are 8 people, each has numbers from 1 to 8, in order. Then, the method to follow is to...
0 0 , 13 years ago -
Artists in Bérgamo
In the way to Poznan from Seville, 3 friend and I had to change our plane in Bergamo, with one day of difference between them! So we went to take artistic fotos around the city. They 2 study art and mw architecture, so we got very good ideas! I hope you like!
0 0 , 13 years ago -
First day I saw snowing!
It was unbelievable! A magic event in my magic year of Erasmus! 22nd november 2008, Polish Party, Snowing! My happiness couldnt be deleted from my face. I had never ever seen the snow falling from the sky!
0 0 , 13 years ago -
Hochschul-Ball! Can u find me?
Every year on the last saturday of January (in 2009 it was on 31st) the Leibniz Universität Hannover celebrate a Hochschul-Ball. That's a party organized in the main room of the main building of the Uni where people eat a menu and dance in couple like in the films from...
0 0 , 13 years ago -
Trip to Göttingen
The first trip;overseas; from Hannover was to Gottingen, a city know cos of its University! We didnt see too much the city cos they showed us the University and said you can do what you want. We meet al 18 in the train station! So everybody went wherever they wanted, to...
0 0 , 13 years ago -
Pijama Party
I had the happy idea of making a Pijama Party in my flat! Not only a Pijama Party, but also a concurs of the Great Pijama! I went to Galeria to buy some prizes to give to the winners. The way to win was everybody had to vote for 4 things: The most original pijama in...
0 0 , 13 years ago -
Hot in here...
2-3 days ago the spring started, from 72 hours ago we hace experimented a big changeod temperature in Seville. I mean it's normal, cos 22nd March was winter and 23rd March was Spring :P, so the change must be notable... Today I couldnt stay in the street. It's 30...
0 0 , 13 years ago -
My first Erasmus party 2010-11
It was in Seville, where I live and study at the Uni. We got a sms from ESN Seville about a meeting in center, but we met some people in the street who were waiting to others... we liked them and we decided to go to their house! There, we'd meet our Erasmus friends this...
0 0 , 13 years ago -
The 2 coldest days in my life
There were in Budapest (I dont know if in Buda or in Pest) but the temperature feeling was the worst! We went there with Ryanair. 0. 02 + 0. 02 cents go and back! Great! Two days. Incredible how the river Danubio was coming with very big blocks of ice. Hopefully we...
0 0 , 13 years ago -
Cophenague - Absolut Ice Bar
One one most exiting things I did in my Erasmus was going to Denmark. In the city of Copenague, there was an Ice Bar! What is this? An ice bar is a place where everything is made of ice. The bar, the glasess, the toilet, the walls, the floor, the tables and chairs......
0 0 , 13 years ago