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Erasmus blog Brugge

  • 1 day visit to... Bruges, Belgium

    Bruges is one of the most important cities in Belgium. Famous for its canals, one of the best ways to visit everything is by travelling by boat through the canals. To get to Bruges, a very common option is to get the train, from a nearby spot to the city's station. You...

    0 , 5 years ago
  • The best of Bruges

    If you ask me to make a list of my favourite cities in Europe, Bruges is definitely going to be among the toppers. Bruges is perhaps underrated and to many even the name might not sound familiar, but I felt in love with this city minutes after I arrived there. Ghent to...

    0 , 6 years ago
  • Bruges

    While I was studying in Lille last year, I made a couple trips to Belgium (Lille is only literally 10 minutes away from the Belgian border so it's very easy to go there). I went to Brussels of course, the capital city, but I also visited a very small and cute town...

    0 , 7 years ago
  • Bruges _ Venice of the North

    My fortune with Bruges The first time I knew about Bruges was through "In Bruges". A violent and dramatic drama that I have watched for a long time, to the content is not remembered clearly. The second time I saw Bruges was thanks to my favorite TV show "Amazing Grace",...

    3 , 7 years ago
  • Bruges

    A few days ago I went to Bruges, in Belgium, and I wanted to tell you about the trip and about the city in general. The first thing I have to do is recommend that if you go to Bruges is arrive early and get the train at the first thing in the morning... Why? Because...

    0 , 8 years ago

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