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Erasmus blog Bonn

  • Bonn, weird letters and ladybugs.

    It was a Thursday and as always I was studying in a little cute library full of ladybugs in Bonn. In that cold winter afternoon I didn't know I was about to receive an e-mail that would have brighten my day. I received a letter from the most unlikely sender:...

    0 , 7 years ago
  • Christmas holidays in Bonn and the afterneath

    December in Bonn started with a party and this is how it ended,now it is almost the end of January and this phenomenon hasn't changed much. Student communities seem to know how to get together and celebrate even during the most stressful of times, also known as...

    0 , 8 years ago
  • My Visit to Bonn

    The journey It took a fair while to get to Bonn, and we were the only ones who got off there after a silent journey. We used the same train later on to get to the famous park where we met with some friends of ours. Bonn is smaller than Cologne with only 300, 000...

    0 , 8 years ago

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