Online language classes
Face to face enjoyable classes at the comfort of your home
6$ saatler
Laura · Teaches: Fransızca
Speaks: İngilizceNative · FransızcaC1
I'm a fluent French tutor based in Nairobi. I'm looking for students ready to learn and transform their future. French is a UN language so I'm giving ...
Student of Catalan at the University of Lleida
8€ saatler
Felip · Teaches: İspanyolca
Speaks: İspanyolcaNative · KatalancaNative
Hi! My name is Felip (Felipe or Phillip) and I'm from Ibiza (or Eivissa in Catalan). I lived and study in Lleida. I want to help foreign students in E...
Soy un estudiante aquí en Turquía y enseño español
5€ saatler
reallybestdoddy · Teaches: İspanyolca
Speaks: İngilizceA2 · İspanyolcaNative · FransızcaA1 · TürkçeB1
Hola! Yo me llamo Antonio y soy de Guinea Ecuatorial y mi idioma nativo es el español, me encanta enseñar a la gente cosas nuevas.Como el español por ...
Spanish lessons for non-native speakers.
10€ saatler
Carlos José · Teaches: İspanyolca
Speaks: İngilizceC1 · İspanyolcaNative · FransızcaB1
Hello! My name is Carlos. If you would like to learn Spanish or practice with a native speaker, these lessons will be really helpful. The lessons wi...
Italian mother tongue with experience and English IELTS certified
5€ saatler
Carolina · Teaches: İtalyanca
Speaks: İngilizceC1 · İspanyolcaB2 · İtalyancaNative · LehçeA2
Hello! My name is Carolina and I’m from Bari. I lived in Greece, Poland, Germany and Spain, and I am currently working between Italy and Spain. I love...
Clase de español a cambio de Clases de italiano
5€ saatler
E · Teaches: İspanyolca
Speaks: İtalyancaB1
Mi offro di parlare in spagnolo in cambio di parlare in italiano Non addebito nulla Ofrezco dar clases de español a cambio de que me den clases de i...
ONLINE Zoom/Skype English Language Teacher. IELTS, Trinity, EAP, and general English preparation.
20€ saatler
Damian · Teaches: İngilizce
Speaks: İngilizceNative · İspanyolcaB1 · İtalyancaA2 · LehçeC2
I am an RSA Dip. (DELTA) qualified, native-speaker, EFL teacher and examiner with 30 years' teaching and examining experience in a wide range of count...
University lecturer (M.Ed.; DELTA) experienced in preparation for IELTS, Trinity College London examinations and EAP.
25€ saatler
Damian · Teaches: İngilizce
Speaks: İngilizceNative · İspanyolcaB1 · İtalyancaA2 · LehçeC2
I have been an English lecturer, trainer and examiner for the past 30 years. My work has taken me all around the world, especially China, South and Ce...
12€ saatler
Simona · Teaches: İtalyanca
Speaks: İngilizceB2
Ciao, my name is Simona, I live in Rome and I am a native Italian language teacher. I have a degree in Italian Literature and a Ditals certification ...
professeur de français avec plus d'un an d'expérience
20€ saatler
Djamila et · Teaches: Fransızca
Speaks: FransızcaNative
Salut, je m'appelle Djamila et j'habite au Luxembourg. J'enseigne le français à des jeunes qui ont difficultés à communiquer. J'aime ce que je fais, j...
French student gives French lessons in Frankfurt / Cours de Français par un étudiant français à Francfort
20€ saatler
Mathis · Teaches: Fransızca
Speaks: İngilizceB2 · FransızcaNative · GermanC1
FR: Je suis en deuxième année de la double licence en Management à la Goethe Universität et à l'université Paris Dauphine. J'ai donné une cinquantain...
certified TESOL teacher with 5 years of experience
5€ saatler
Setareh · Teaches: İngilizce
Speaks: İngilizceC2 · FransızcaA2
Hiiii ;) My name is Stella and I have a BSc in English Language and Literature and an MA in Linguistics. My goal is to help learners to rise to their ...
Erfahrung in mehrsprachigem Zentrum und KITA
12€ saatler
Elif · Teaches: German
Speaks: İngilizceNative · FransızcaA2 · GermanNative · TürkçeB2
Hallo! Hello! Bonjour et Merhaba. Ich komme aus der Schweiz und heisse Elif. Ich Unterrichte gerne Kinder und Jugendliche. Ich habe in einer multikul...
Cours d'espagnol pour étudiants français Erasmus
10€ saatler
Cristel Danae · Teaches: İspanyolca
Speaks: İngilizceA2 · İspanyolcaNative · FransızcaB2
Salut! Je suis Cristel. Je vis en France depuis un an et demi. J'aime enseigner et surtout apprendre!!. J'ai enseigné l'espagnol à mes amis français ...
Portuguese classes with a native speaker
10€ saatler
Beatriz · Teaches: Portekizce
Speaks: İngilizceC1 · İspanyolcaB1 · PortekizceNative
Hello! My name is Beatriz and I´m from Portugal. I have always enjoyed teaching others, it has always been a passion. I am available to teach and shar...
Certified Brazilian Portuguese Teacher -
20$ saatler
Fernanda · Teaches: Portekizce
Speaks: İngilizceC2 · İspanyolcaC2
Olá! I have been teaching Portuguese for over 10 years and I just love what I do, so I am very dedicated and attentive to each one of my students. ...
Hi Everyone! Good greetings from the warmth city of Turkey
8€ saatler
Arda · Teaches: Türkçe
Speaks: İngilizceB2 · GermanA2 · TürkçeNative
Merhaba Arkadaşlar, Hello people, good greetings from Turkey. I am Arda. I have been teaching Turkish more than 2 years to my foreign friends. I lov...
Spanish teacher ELE certificate con 8 años de experiencia
6€ saatler
Horacio · Teaches: İspanyolca
Speaks: İngilizceC2 · İspanyolcaNative
!Mucho gusto! Ahora estoy en Uruguay y doy clases de español para todos los niveles A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 Cursos intensivos individuales o grupales. Tengo...
Profesor de español para todas las edades.
10€ saatler
Antonio · Teaches: İspanyolca
Speaks: İngilizceB2 · İspanyolcaNative · FransızcaA2 · GermanA2
Hello! Hola! Hallo! Bonjour! Me llamo Antonio y soy de España. Me encanta dar clase y enseñar a las personas mi lengua materna, disfrutando al mismo t...
Native Spanish and Translation and Interpreting Student teaches Spanish in GERMAN and ENGLISH!
11€ saatler
Paula · Teaches: İspanyolca
Speaks: İngilizceC1 · İspanyolcaNative · GermanB1
¡Hola! Hello! Hallo! I'm Paula and I live in Seville, I would like to help those who want to learn or improve their Spanish! I have always studied lan...
Erasmus Student Lessons through English. The lessons can be for primary or high school student and focus on improving English
9€ saatler
Declan · Teaches: İngilizce
Speaks: İngilizceNative · FransızcaA2
I am an Erasmus student studying Psychology at the University of Valencia. I would be looking to help and support Spanish primary or secondary student...
Teaching #Arabic has never been so fun!
10€ saatler
Khalil · Teaches: Arapça
Speaks: İngilizceB2 · FransızcaB1 · ArabNative
Hello , my name is Khalil Homrani from Tuniia. I will be ready to give Arabic lessons because helping people learning new languages meets my goals . F...
Spanish lessons for English and German speakers
10€ saatler
alba · Teaches: İspanyolca
Speaks: İngilizceB1 · İspanyolcaNative · GermanB1
Hello! my name is alba and i am a spanish student who goes to germany from march to july. I became a teacher because I love helping my students feel s...
Licenciada, con más de diez años de experiencia, c2 de inglés eoi Alicante, da clases particulares
12€ saatler
Marisol · Teaches: İngilizce
Speaks: İngilizceC2 · İspanyolcaNative · İtalyancaB2
Hola, soy licenciada en derecho y tengo c2 de valenciano y de inglés. Empecé dando clases particulares a niños, y me fui después a trabajar a Inglate...
Premium online tuition in British English - 50 years professional business and teaching experience
20£ saatler
David · Teaches: İngilizce
Speaks: İngilizceNative
My name is David and I teach standard British English for the love of language. I'm especially interested in students who recognise the power of lang...
I don’t have any experience yet but you won’t be disappointed to choose me
30€ saatler
Doumbia · Teaches: Fransızca
Speaks: FransızcaNative
Hi , hello , Bonjour my name is Assetou I am from mali . That’s going to be my first to teaching But I have been learning in French since I was chil...