L Motti kullanıcısının aktiviteleri
Experience in Viseu, Portugal by L Motti
What is it like to live in Viseu? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? VIseu is like a place to live, it small but mighty. which means.. it so nice city, you dont have to spend money on transport. everything you want or looking for is all around you, easy to...
share room with mate that need one more person to his or her appartment
am larry by calling name, i play football in viseu.. and i will be starting in sept, i need to know some people that are intrested in having me to there apartment cus i dont wanna like have to pay much .. if you get my point. i am black from nigeria.. and i...
Burada Ev arkadaşları Viseu, 11 yıl önce -
Erasmus Viseu 2013 / 2014 (English)
You guys... enjoy your stay in viseu.. it such a nice lovely city.. All the very best for you guys in your Uni. x
por L Motti en Viseu Erasmus forumu