Keran kullanıcısının aktiviteleri
20 years old boy is looking for roommate(s) in Sofia
For the first time I am going to live an experience abroad next year and to do this trip more enriching I'm looking for a roommate or some rommates. I'm french so i would like roommates from another countries because my purpose is to work my english and discover news...
Burada Ev arkadaşları Sofia, 10 yıl önce -
Expérience dans Antibes, France par Keran
Comment t’a semblé la ville de Antibes pour y vivre? La recommandes-tu? Comment est la ville? C'est très agréable, je le recommande vivement pour y vivre! C'est très beau. Source Comment est l'ambiance étudiante à Antibes? Il n'y a pas énormément...
Erasmus Sofía 2014 / 2015 (Español)
Hi! I'm Keran a french student in Nice! I know that is for the Spanish here but there is nobody on the english forum and I speak very badly Spanish.. Next year i will go to Sofia at the university of national and world economy and same of you i want to meet people...
por Keran en Sofia Erasmus forumu -
Erasmus Sofia 2014 / 2015 (English)
Hi! I'm Keran a french student in Nice. Next year i will come in Sofia to study at the university of national and world economy! I don't know anything on this city and this country, and i would like to meet people who will go to sofia next year. Moreover i have lot of...
por Keran en Sofia Erasmus forumu