Anca Irimia

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flag-ro Romanya
flag-pl Polonya

Anca tarafından paylaşılan mekanlar

  • Coffee Perk

    Coffee Perk is a place where friends meet, like in the Friends series. It is close to Oliwa Park like the one in Friends was close to Central Park. This place is run by friendly people who prepare homemade delicious cakes and good coffee. What is more, they even allow...

    0 , 7 yıl önce
  • European Solidarity Centre

     European Solidarity Centre in Gdansk is a modern museum with a big library, multimedia library, 1 caffee place and one place where you can eat, and a lot to discover in the exhibition. The permanent exhibition is about Solidarity movement and revolutions in Europe...

    0 , 7 yıl önce
  • European Solidarity Centre

    The European Solidarity Centre from Gdansk is a modern museum with a big library, multimedia library, 1 caffee place and one place where you can eat, and a lot to discover in the exhibition. The permanent exhibition is about Solidarity movement and revolutions in Europe...

    0 , 7 yıl önce

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