Adrián kullanıcısının aktiviteleri
To change my scholarship from euros to pounds
Hi, My name is Adrián, I´m a new spanish student in Belfast. I recived my scholarship in euros and I dont know which is the best way to change this money from euros to pounds. Has somebody the same problem as me? -Does somebody know if is it good to open a new account...
por Adrián en Belfast Erasmus forumu -
homemates and acomodation
Hello, I am a spanish student, looking for an accomodation in Belfast. I have been living in Galway for two months and now I will be working at Metropolitan Art Centre (The MAC Belfast) form January to June 2019 becouse I have obtained an Intership. I am 23 years old...
Burada Ev arkadaşları Belfast, 6 yıl önce