Roos Kinders

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flag-es Espanha
flag-nl Holanda

flag-nl Roos Kinders

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Atividade de Roos

  • Fórum

    Erasmus Granada 2012 / 2013 (English)

    Hello guys!I was wondering if you could help me, currently i am working on a project of the housing of international students in Granada. I made a survey for this, so if you guys could fill it in you would definitely help me with it! There are 8 questions so it will...

  • Fórum

    Erasmus Sevilla 2011 / 2012 (English)

    Hola! Looking for a room in Sevilla as a student or intern? At RoomSevilla we got many rooms on different locations across whole Sevilla. So, if you want to have a great time with lots of parties RoomSevilla is the best choice!If you are interested contact me on...

  • Fórum

    Erasmus Sevilla 2012 / 2013 (English)

    Hola! Looking for a room in Sevilla as a student or intern? At RoomSevilla we got many rooms on different locations across whole Sevilla. So, if you want to have a great time with lots of parties RoomSevilla is the best choice!If you are interested contact me on...

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