Aktywność Styliana
Experience in University of Cyprus, Cyprus by Styliana
Source Generally, what is University of Cyprus like? UCY is the public University of Cyprus and the bigger in the country. Most of the students aim to get a place here in order to avoid tuition so only the best from high schools are selected. In most cases is quit...
Experience in Nicosia, Cyprus by Styliana
What is it like to live in Nicosia? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Since Nicosia is the capital of Cyprus there is something for everyone to do. It combines the busy centre with the isolated villages in short distance. I would recomend it for summer or...
Erasmus Nicosia 2014 / 2015 (Español)
Hi there! My name is Styliana and i have studied Architecture in Tarragona, Catalunya the previous semester. I am a Cypriot student though, living in Nicosia for all my life. I study Architecture at the University of Cyprus. If you need any help with anything or...
por Styliana en Erasmusowe forum Nicosia -
Erasmus Experience in Tarragona, Spain by Styliana
Why did you choose to go to Tarragona, Spain? Actually it wasn't a real choice but it was one of my options and I liked it cause from Tarragona you can really go anywhere by train or bus around Spain, like Barcelona or Madrid or Valencia. I really liked the fact that it...