Erasmus Luiss Business School Roma
Masters & Bachelors in Luiss Business School Roma
MasterFull-Time MBA
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Rzym , Włochy
1 year
30000 €
It is an intensive programme that enables participants to develop a business strategy that includes creativity, international orientation, ethics and social responsibility, and to face the new challenges of worldwide leaders.
Tags: Magisterskie w Rzym, Magisterskie w Luiss Business School Roma, Magisterskie w Włochy, Magisterskie w Administracja biznesu, Magisterskie w Studia biznesowe,
MasterMarketing Management - Major of the Executive Master in Marketing
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Rzym , Włochy
1 year
12000 €
The Major is a highly professional educational programme which aim to provide knowledge and tools to understand, manage and take advantage of the today’s complex competitive environment.
Tags: Magisterskie w Rzym, Magisterskie w Luiss Business School Roma, Magisterskie w Włochy, Magisterskie w Zarządzanie marketingowe, Magisterskie w Marketing, Magisterskie w Marketing,
MasterCustomer Experience Management – Major of the Master in Marketing Management
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Rzym , Włochy
1 year
16000 €
The Major aims at providing a real understanding of the customer and the variables that influence its experience in the multiple interactions with the company.
Tags: Magisterskie w Rzym, Magisterskie w Luiss Business School Roma, Magisterskie w Włochy, Magisterskie w Zarządzanie marketingowe, Magisterskie w Marketing, Magisterskie w Marketing,
MasterFashion and Luxury Business – Major of the Master in Fashion, Luxury and Tourism Management
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Rzym , Włochy
1 year
16000 €
The Major gives students a deep overview of the competences and knowledge needed to excel in such a thriving environment. The programme balances managerial courses with more strategic and creative lectures.
Tags: Magisterskie w Rzym, Magisterskie w Luiss Business School Roma, Magisterskie w Włochy, Magisterskie w Biznes luksusowy, Magisterskie w Studia biznesowe,
MasterGlobal Health Management - Major of the Master in International Management
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Rzym , Włochy
1 year
16000 €
The Major is a practice-oriented program that prepares talented graduates to kick-start their international careers in the healthcare industry. The program focuses on equipping students with the required knowledge and skills to address complex and multidi
Tags: Magisterskie w Rzym, Magisterskie w Luiss Business School Roma, Magisterskie w Włochy, Magisterskie w Zarządzanie międzynarodowe, Magisterskie w Studia z zarządzania,
MasterGlobal supply chain management - Major of The Master in Management and Technology
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Rzym , Włochy
1 year
16000 €
The Major is designed to form managers to implement and manage supply chains at a global level with a focus on technology.
Tags: Magisterskie w Rzym, Magisterskie w Luiss Business School Roma, Magisterskie w Włochy, Magisterskie w Zarządzanie łańcuchem dostaw, Magisterskie w Zarządzanie globalnym łańcuchem dostaw, Magisterskie w Studia z zarządzania,
MasterBusiness Transformation - Major of the Master in Management and Technology
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Rzym , Włochy
1 year
16000 €
It develops digital capabilities, managerial skills and leadership techniques required to succeed in firms operating in the digital ecosystem or in businesses undergoing a digital transformation process.
Tags: Magisterskie w Rzym, Magisterskie w Luiss Business School Roma, Magisterskie w Włochy, Magisterskie w Zarządzanie technologią, Magisterskie w Studia technologiczne,
MasterExecutive Programme in Management dei Sistemi di Rappresentanza
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Rzym , Włochy
Request info
5000 €
Un programma di 5 settimane che fornisce un set di strumenti e competenze necessarie alla comprensione delle dinamiche organizzative e istituzionali del network associativo, al fine di sostenerne lo sviluppo.
Tags: Magisterskie w Rzym, Magisterskie w Luiss Business School Roma, Magisterskie w Włochy, Magisterskie w Studia nad rozwojem, Magisterskie w Badania migracji, Magisterskie w Nauki społeczne,
MasterInternational Management
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Rzym , Włochy
1 year
16000 €
The Master is a practice-oriented programme aimed at young graduates motivated to become global managers. It combines theory and practice, bridges academia and industry, and integrates hard and soft skills.
Tags: Magisterskie w Rzym, Magisterskie w Luiss Business School Roma, Magisterskie w Włochy, Magisterskie w Zarządzanie międzynarodowe, Magisterskie w Studia z zarządzania,
MasterCorporate Finance - Major of the Master in Financial Management
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Rzym , Włochy
1 year
16000 €
The Major is a highly specialised degree designed for those who want to pursue a career in the corporate finance divisions in Corporate Finance & Banking.
Tags: Magisterskie w Rzym, Magisterskie w Luiss Business School Roma, Magisterskie w Włochy, Magisterskie w Zarządzanie finansami, Magisterskie w Finanse, Magisterskie w Ekonomika,
MasterTourism Management - Major of the Master in Fashion, Luxury and Tourism Management
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Rzym , Włochy
1 year
16000 €
The Major offers an exciting learning experience to turn students’ passion for the tourism industry into a competitive skill on the job market.
Tags: Magisterskie w Rzym, Magisterskie w Luiss Business School Roma, Magisterskie w Włochy, Magisterskie w Zarządzanie w turystyce, Magisterskie w Turystyka, Magisterskie w Turystyka i hotelarstwo,