flag-pt Filipa Antunes


Filipa activiteit

  • Ervaring

    Erasmus in Wroclaw

    Hello!I was in Wroclaw for 5 months studying Graphic Design. If you think you are going in Erasmus just to party, in this academy won't work. You will have to study and party ahahAnyway, the school is great! They have two buildings, I had most of my classes in the new...

  • Bijbaan

    Design Intern Looking for a Part-Time Job

    Hello!My name is Filipa, I'll be in Rome starting this month until the end of June.I'm 22 and I just grauated from Graphic Design.I'm looking dor something extra for my expenses, I'm learning Italian and I can teach english or arts to kids or babysit them, I'm good with...

    in Studenten bijbaan Rome, 7 jaar geleden
  • Ervaring

    Erasmus in Wroclaw

    Hello!The school is great! They have two buildings, I had most of my classes in the new one and it's awsome, really.All my teachers were kind, professional and spoke in english. Some friends of mine don't think the same but in Graphic Design deppartment it was perfect.I...

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