Sandra Sandra
- Città attuale:
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- Università di destinazione:
- UW
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Attività di Sandra
Erasmus Experience in Warsaw, Poland by Sandra
Why did you choose to go to Warsaw, Poland? I have never been there before. My friends told me about Poland a lot. Beautiful Krakow, Warsaw nightlife, small and calm Wroclaw. I wanted to jump into different culture, to learn something new. I can confess after my third...
21 years old girl is looking for accommodation in Warsaw!
Please contact me via e-mail, it is easyer for me, because I Llways checking my mail. I'm looking for accommondation ( room or flat). if you looking for a flat too, contact me, maybe we can share flat( only girls). I am a student. I'm studing in warsaw university -...
in Coinquilini Varsavia, 11 anni fa -
Warsaw Faculty of Architecture
I'. Studing in Warsaw Univesity ( lingvistic facilty), I found all contacts on their web site! another way -to call
por Sandra en Forum Erasmus Varsavia